A Basket by the Door

My book, A Basket by the Door, is a seasonal collection of 130 recipes to cook for family and friends who might be needing a bit of love, nourishment and cheering up. Published by Murdoch Books, written and shot by me, except for the cover which was photographed by the oh so clever Clancy Job. And I would love to sign, wrap and send you a copy.
I think that the very best way to help someone feel loved, understood and valued is to take the time to make them something nourishing and/or super tasty to eat. So mine is a playbook of what to cook for all kinds of situations, 130 recipes collected season by season.
There’s a a basket of jewel-coloured summery smoothies, dips and crackers for a girlfriend or sister just home with a newborn, a deep, spicy gingerbread loaf to deliver (with a thermos of tea perhaps) for friend on the mend in the deep mid-winter, there’s a basket loaded up with (a pretty rad if I don’t say so myself) fennel ragu, wine and chocolate mousse to take to a sad friend’s house to eat with her or him on the couch, and there’s the very best ever chicken pie to take for a new neighbour or stressed friend. There are also recipes and menus for gatherings to comfort and celebrate. These recipes are full of love, compassion, generosity and care. This is food to nourish, bolster, cheer, commiserate and celebrate.